Sunday, February 13, 2011

The 100 % recycled Zipper pins.

Each pin is 100% recycled . The zippers comes from the Wardrobe at the Shaw Festival and many donations from fans.  The best ones are ripped out of old garments and you can where the dye has faded.
The buttons are vintage finds from my last run around the antique shops along Bloor st west ( Captains  treasures antiques and Ransack in the basement of Vintage 69: both are close to Brock ave.) The fimo charms are handmade pieces from Fanfreluche 80's jewellery  collection ( made by Sue Scott now hat maker and owner of ).

i make  these in batches and these ones i couldn't stop myself in my adorning.  The fimo ..... oh the colorful fimo.


  1. Pretty blog! I find the police a bit hard to read... Just a suggestion: maybe you could use a more "traditional" police for the writing on the posts (i.e arial, helvetica, verdana) and keep the funky one for the titles?

  2. thanks for the advice.... i really love this font. i inlarged it. does that make a diff?
    thanks again

  3. Yup, it's a bit better... but doesn't it change all the formatting? I see the name of the blog on two lines for example... doesn't it bother you? (Those are details after all, it doesn't change the content) :)
